440-450MHz Band Planning Meeting - Notes
Saturday May 1, 1999
0800 Hrs. – Check-in begins
0930 Hrs. – Meeting begins
Welcome and introductions – Joe Saddler
Purpose for meeting – Joe Saddler
20 kHz proposal and review – Bill Kelsey
Break out group (by each MHz) discussion and instructions –
Bill Kelsey
Task 1. – Provide a principal and an alternate
spokesperson to speak for your MHz group at the main meeting:
MHz Segment |
Primary Spokesperson |
Alternate Spokesperson |
445 |
Jim Walls, K6CCC |
Doug Marston, WB6JCD |
446 |
Bill Carpenter, WA6QZY |
Tim Peters, KA6GIU |
447 |
Jim Kelly, AC6XG |
Barry Flint, WA6RTV |
448 |
Dave Laag, K6OW |
Bill Cody, WB6DYM |
449 |
Dennis Mills, WB6OIL |
Chuck Karayan, WD6AML |
Table 1
Question 1. - Should we change to a 20kHz band
Results: All groups returned to the main meeting in agreement of 20kHz.
Question 2. - What should the implementation
period be?
Results: May 1, 2000 (to be complete). All moves to
44x.y20 & 44x.y80 can start now but must be completed by August 1, 1999
or system and coordination is at risk for causing interference. All moves to
44x.y40 are not to be done before August 1, 1999.
Question 3. – What should the channel plan look
like for each 100kHz block?
Old Frequency |
New Frequency |
Notes |
44x.y00 |
44x.y00 |
No Change |
44x.y25 |
44x.y20 |
-5kHz |
44x.y50 |
44x.y40 |
-10kHz |
44x.y75 |
44x.y80 |
+5kHz |
Table 2
Breakout group task complete! Return to general meeting room…

General Meeting Reconvenes
The following tasks and questions were done during the general meeting.
Task 1. - Election of an arbitration committee to
discuss coordination disputes. The arbitration committee is defined below:
 | Total of 10 persons to serve on committee, from the coordination community
 | 5 persons to serve one year, then replacements to serve two years
 | 5 persons to serve two years
 | Requires a commitment to spend a Saturday a quarter to sit and make
judgements on SCRRBA coordination disputes
 | 5 persons to make up each case panel
 | Initial cases will be for 20 kHz coordination disputes
 | System to continue as a standard coordination dispute resolution method
 | Each member is a 440 MHz system coordinee, but is not an officer or member
of the technical committee of the SCRRBA organization.
Results: Those who served as primary and alternate spokesperson in the
breakout groups were elected to serve as arbitration committee members (see
table 1 above)
Question 1. - How many new voice simplex channels
should be added and where (currently have two at 446.000 and 446.500)?
 | Two (2) new channels should be added
 | New channels should be added between 446.000 and 446.500
 | Establish a remote base simplex channel at 449.460
Question 2. - How many new "test pairs"
should be added and where (currently have one pair at 446.875/441.675 which will
move to 446.880/441.880)?
 | One (1) new test pair should be added
 | New test pair should be added at 446.860/441.860 (adjacent to the existing
test pair)
Question 3. - How many new "open repeater"
pairs should be added and where (currently have eight (8) pairs with 1 in the
445, 446, 448, 449 segments and four (4) in the 447 segment)?
 | Four (4) new open repeater pairs should be added
 | SCRRBA technical committee shall decide where
Question 4. - Should the following 20kHz moves,
re-coordination, and new coordination rules and procedures be adopted?
 | SCRRBA will direct the group, system, or individual as to when to move and
 | It is understood that if a group, system, or individual makes the 20 kHz
move on their own, without prior direction from SCRRBA, they take the risk
of a possible second move at SCRRBA’s direction.
 | To coordinate a new group, system, or individual, the following shall
 | Proper and complete coordination request on file (if applications is over
2 ½ years old must be updated and/ or refreshed) with SCRRBA.
 | The radio to be coordinated must be on the air on a channel identified to
SCRRBA (frequency, tone, and ID) that can be found and verified by the
SCRRBA technical committee without any prior arrangement (test pair or
co-channeled by permission only, with another system).
 | The rules and procedures, as written above, should be adopted
Question 5. - Should the following procedures be
adopted for use in resolving coordination conflicts?
 | Any group, system, or individual that will not accept and implement
coordination direction from SCRRBA will automatically go to SCRRBA
 | Any group, system or individual will abide by the SCRRBA arbitration
committee decision or the conflict will be treated as an interference issue
and turned over to the local ARRL OO’s for submittal to the FCC.
 | All SCRRBA arbitration committee members are to be volunteers from the
440-450 MHz community (cannot be SCRRBA officers or technical committee
 | The procedures, as written above, should be adopted