Open 10m Repeaters


Southern CaliforniaOpen 10m FM Voice Repeaters
Last Updated 8/18/2016

The following is a list of open 10m FM voice repeaters and special use frequencies in the Southern California region.  Open repeaters are operated by individuals and clubs for the benefit of all radio amateurs.  Since they are classified as "open", no prior authorization or permission is necessary before using these repeaters.

At the specific request of each stations trustee, the following stations have been coordinated as open public use repeaters.

This list is of open public use repeaters only.  Open public use repeaters are so coordinated at the specific request of the system coordinee/trustee. 
This list does not include closed/private systems, and is NOT at all indicative of the total coordinated activity in this region

All repeater inputs are-100 kHz in this band - See the 10m Band Plan.

Recent updates are shown in green.

Frequency (MHz)

PL (Hz) Callsign Location
29.5000 -- -- Simplex - SCRRBA Plan Only
29.6000 -- -- National Simplex
29.6200 107.2 NI8H Los Angeles - BHARC
29.6400 107.2 W6KRW Santiago Peak - OC RACES
29.6600 107.2 K6TY Arcadia


Last modified: August 18, 2016