Written Co-Sharing Agreement...
An applicant desiring to co-channel with an existing coordination within the
coordinees coordinated service area must contact the coordinee and work out a
written sharing agreement. This agreement MUST, AT MINIMUM, contain the
 | Specify the location and power level of ALL repeaters/remotes to be
coordinated to either party.
 | Contain specific statements regarding use of either system by members of
the other system.
 | Details of methods of sharing, specifically, how simultaneous traffic is
to be handled. (turn off A while B running, turn off B while A is running,
times of day, defined areas of accepted interference, etc., are all examples
of necessary details).
 | The agreement must clearly show that both systems are either open, or
private systems. Generally, open systems are not co-channeled with private
systems. Should this occur, the open system will NOT be listed as open in
any SCRRBA published or approved listings.
 | In order for an applicant to change the status of a channel pair to either
open or private, the written concurrence of ALL co-channel coordinees within
SCRRBAs coordination service area must be obtained.
 | ALL existing coordinees who, in the determination of the SCRRBA technical
committee, will be impacted by the proposed operation must concur in writing
to the proposal. |
SCRRBA will not dictate such an agreement. It MUST be reached by mutual
consent and then be presented to SCRRBA. We will review it, and we reserve the
right to append certain clarifications to the agreement to avoid future
problems. SCRRBA will assist both parties, if requested. |