

Transfer of Coordination...

A coordination may be transferred to a new coordinee (Trustee) without placing the coordination at risk of being withdrawn, IF:

bulletSCRRBA is presented a letter signed by the existing coordinee (trustee) requesting the coordination be transferred.  This letter must provide adequate information for SCRRBA to contact the existing coordinee, as well as listing the name and callsign of the new coordinee, AND
bulletA completed Application for Frequency Coordination is attached, AND
bulletThe new coordinee shows that the SAME operation will continue, from the SAME site, and with the SAME users of the system.
bulletIf the above criterion are met, the coordination will be "administratively" transferred to the new coordinee.

A request to transfer a coordination to a new coordinee and the system moved to a new site at the same time requires Technical Committee review.  The application will be approved IF the following criterion are met:

bulletSCRRBA is presented a letter signed by the existing coordinee (trustee) requesting the coordination be transferred.  This letter must provide adequate information for SCRRBA to contact the existing coordinee, as well as listing the name and callsign of the new coordinee.
bulletThe new location has, in the sole opinion of the SCRRBA technical committee, substantially the same coverage as the previous location, AND does not adversely impact any co-channel, or co-site coordinees.
bulletThe new coordinee shows that the SAME operation will continue with the SAME users of the system.
bulletA complete Application package with site agreement is attached.

Any existing co-channeling agreement, or existing co channeling arrangements must be renewed before the change will be coordinated.  The system being moved will, in all probability, loose any status it might have had as "first on the frequency" or "primary coordination" in such co-channel agreement re-negotiation.

In the event that the existing trustee is not available to sign a transfer, a complete written explanation must accompany either of the above processes.  Consideration will be given to those who are listed on the original application as contacts.  The entire application will be reviewed by the technical committee with specific attention to "continuity" of system membership.  The Technical Committee may request a written poll of the existing members of the system.

Transfers of coordinations which move a frequency pair from a low level to a high level site generally will not be approved.  Frequency pairs below 446.0 will rarely be approved for any high level site.  Where there is no technical conflict, consideration will be given when the move to a high level site is accompanied by a merge of all the low level systems and users.  Documentation of this merge will be required.

When a system with point to point links requests a move of site, EVEN ON THE SAME MOUNTAIN, a full re-application may be required. In some cases, the entire point to point "pattern" and coordination will have to be re-done for the entire system.


Last modified: September 18, 2008