Open Repeaters


Open repeaters are operated by individuals and clubs for the benefit of all radio amateurs.  Since they are classified as "open", no prior authorization or permission is necessary before using these repeaters.  

Repeaters on these frequencies require coordination from SCRRBA before use.  This is true for all repeaters whether open or closed.

There is a great deal of other coordinated activity in these sub bands.  These lists are of open public use repeaters only.  Open public use repeaters are so coordinated at the specific request of the system coordinee/trustee.  These lists do not include closed/private systems, and are NOT at all indicative of the total coordinated activity in this region.



Coordinated Open 6m FM Voice Repeaters in Southern California


Coordinated Open 10m FM Voice Repeaters in Southern California


Coordinated Open 440MHz FM Voice Repeaters in Southern California


Coordinated Open 900MHz FM Voice Repeaters in Southern California


Coordinated Open 1200MHz FM Voice Repeaters in Southern California


Coordinated ATV Repeaters in Southern California (PDF - 12/30/2024)


Last modified: December 31, 2024